Simple Self-Care: Connecting with Nature
"Connecting with nature doesn’t necessarily have to be defined by weeklong hiking trips or becoming a hardcore mountain biker. Little s

Are You Doing Self-Care Right?
"Doing self-care is even more challenging during the holidays because our time is increasingly more limited. We are constantly bombarde

Infomercials, Autopilot, and Adam Sandler
One of my favorite infomercials is for the Slap Chop. (No, I’m not compensated for this, nor do I necessary endorse this product.) If you...
The Importance of Connection and the Three "F's"
In my video above, I'll tell you about the most important connection for your family as well as the three "F's" that can be simple ways...

Parenting = Strategic Planning
Becoming a mom has been one of the hardest roles of my life - even more difficult than being a business owner, a wife, a friend, a...

Are you in “the comfort zone”?
If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, you’ve probably gotten to the point of being in “the comfort zone”. This is where you and...

Five Magic Hours Could Save Your Relationship
In my last post, I talked about how relationships are like cars in that both need proper maintenance to keep in top shape. Today, I want...

Stay Sane With Your Crazy Family During the Holidays
Let’s be honest. Many people dread the holidays because of their family. Everyone has at least one family member who drives you crazy...

10 Ways to be Thankful for Your Partner
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I am dedicating this blog post to couples looking for different ways to show gratitude for...

Parenting 101: The Imaginary Manual
There are tons of books, resources, classes, friends, family, and internet searching that my husband and I turned to when we knew we were...